Monday, September 27, 2010

Ethan Hunter

I absolutely cannot believe our little boy is 3 years old today! I have loved every minute of being his mama. I remember the days surrounding finding out I was pregnant. I thought I had the flu and our friend Tessa kept telling me I had to be pregnant. I finally took a pregnancy test and it was positive! :) I was beyond excited! I woke JP up to tell him and at first he thought I was just messing with him, until he saw the test in my hand. Then he got excited and started calling everybody to tell them the good news! He kept saying, "I'm gonna be a daddy!!" It was too funny! We found out in January and then in February we got our tax return. JP was like a kid at Christmas. He was buying everything we could possibly need for a little one! When I was 20 weeks we found out we were having a boy and we both cried tears of joy! We chose the name Ethan Hunter and didn't know then how well it would fit our little boy! Ethan in the Hebrew and English languages means, strong, firm, impetuous and Hunter just means one who hunts. The days surrounding his birth were crazy to say the least. My mom had come up to Va. to be with us. We walked, played card games, shopped and walked some more! I was over-due with Ethan and I was miserable! On the morning of the 26th of September we decided to go to Mt. Vernon (George Washington's estate) and I felt like poop. My mom even made the comment while we were getting ready that maybe it was the day he would decide to come! I laughed and said that I doubted it, considering how lng he had already been in there. I just figured he was holding on to my ribs by his toes! Haha! Anyway, we got there and started walking around. I immediately started having contractions every 20 minutes and as the day progressed they just got closer and closer. Eventually, we walked down this huge hill to look at the pier and realized the park was closing. By this time my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. I decided I wanted to go to the hospital. Well, we had to get back up this hill and I started crying. I could not make it. One of the security guys came to the top and yelled down that we needed to amke our way to the gates. JP nicely told him that I could not walk back up because I was in labor and the guy said it was too hard to get the golf cart he was driving back up the hill, so I would have to manage. My mom got serious (very serious) and told him I was walking back up, he was going to come get me. He obliged quickly! The conversation between him, the little old ladies also riding and myself was unbelievable to say the least! The ladies were so worried about me, while he could have cared less. We left and made our way to the hospital slowly. We stopped to get something to eat and I couldn't even take a bite without having a contraction. By this point they were 1 minute apart. When we got to the hospital they checked me and I was only 2 cm. We were in disbelief!!! All this time and only 2!?! They had me walk around the hospital for two hours and I cried for most of that. Turns out Ethan was in the posterior position and that was keeping me from dilating. I got him to turn right before it was time to go back in and thankfully when they checked me I was 4 cm! They had to give me Pitosin after I got my epidural because my contractions stopped. Eventually, Ethan was born at 9:26 AM on September 27th. He was a whopping 8lbs. 10oz. and 22 in. long! He was beautiful! JP, my mom and I cried when we saw him! He was such a sweet baby and still is a very sweet boy! He is ornery, stubborn and very oppinionated sometimes, but he is also, loving, brave, adventurous, funny, happy, smart and the absolute light of mine and JP's world! We could not have hand-picked a better little boy! We are so blessed and thankful to be his parents. He keeps us laughing for sure!!! We can't imagine our lives without him!!! Love you sweet boy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBBAS!!!!

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